
Empowering Data Advertising

A self-service DSP for display, native and video ads. Programmatic media buying & data-driven solutions for BRANDS, AGENCIES & MEDIA BUYERS.

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All of your marketing strategies in one DSP


Build a powerful multichannel brand awareness strategy leveraging our data-driven technology. Explore the right audiences and create personalized customer experiences.

User Acquisition

Increase your app's presence, generate more installs and improve your average return per user by tracking in-app events, retention rates, and ROAS.


Raise your conversion rate by 90%: retarget users who´ve already visited your website. Encourage comeback by impacting them on different screens and devices.


Stay ahead of the competition in the advertising ecosystem

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Reach Audiences. Engage. Perform.

Initiate an omnichannel advertising plan that delivers results for any brand goal while maximizing every user´s value. Our AI-powered algorithm identifies the most relevant ad spots for reaching your audience. With predictive analysis, Bidsmind DSP helps advertisers grow their ROAS by delivering your advertising message to the right users.

Diversify. Premium Publishers. Globally.

Maximize your brand impact across the Open RTB inventory through our extensive network of Ad Exchanges and SSP partners. Synchronize, create and manage sources´ whitelists/blacklists for a granular and extensive audience segmentation. A/B test your landers in different verticals, demographics and devices.

Intuitive. Advanced. Programmatic Technology.

Bidsmind DSP serves the most engaging and relevant ads to each user at an optimum bid price, all based on real-time activity. Our machine learning models quickly automate bidding prices, audience targeting, creatives´ performance and budgeting. Experience transparency and simplicity to focus on scaling your business.


Engage users with dynamic ad formats

Build your own creative library with captivating display, native and video ad units. Select and combine ad placements for optimum results.

  • Display ads

  • Native ads

  • Video ads

3-Step campaign launch

  1. 01Choose a Campaign Type

  2. 02Fill in Campaign Settings

  3. 03Upload Creative

Launch campaign
Self Service

Decide how to manage your campaigns

Managed Service Buying

For those with limited programmatic trading experience. Our expert team will manage your campaigns from media planning to post-campaign reporting

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Hybrid Service Buying

Work shoulder to shoulder with our expert team to benefit from their inside knowledge and operate the platform from beginning to end.

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Self Service Buying

For those with programmatic trading experience. Have full control of our DSP and run campaigns independently anywhere, anytime.

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Our commitment


Understand the complete ad buying and budget spending process, gaining full control over your campaigns. Have access to real-time data to make informed decisions about which ads to run, which audience to target, and which sites or apps to advertise on. Choose, analyze, and optimize ad placements. Check how many impressions you get and how much you pay for each click or conversion. This level of transparency results in fraud prevention and ensures effective ad spending.


Bidsmind's DSP uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to analyze vast amounts of real-time data to adequately optimize your campaigns. It identifies trends, patterns, and audience behavior to adjust your bidding strategies, ad placements, and targeting parameters. This can help you increase your campaigns' efficiency and effectiveness, and drive better results, leading to higher engagement rates, lower bounce rates, and ultimately, more conversions.


The digital advertising landscape is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is essential. With more than 15 years of shaping the online advertising ecosystem, Kimia Group now powers Bidsmind's DSP with the same passion and expertise. Besides, we offer a dedicated support team to troubleshoot issues, answer your questions, and provide personalized assistance so you can achieve your goals.

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